lakeside farmstand
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family fun day 2025

Welcome to Lakeside Farm Stand in North Guilford, CT!

Founded in 1997, Lakeside Farm is a beautiful farm at the foot of Quonnipaug Lake in Guilford, Connecticut. We are dedicated to producing the best varieties of produce, meat, and eggs. Our Farm Stand opened in 2015, serves a mouth-watering 24 flavors of ice cream, pizza, grinders, and soup everyday of the week. We offer seasonal products including vegetables, fruits,and herbs, and canned goods from our produce such as tomato sauce, strawberry jam, eggs, butter, maple syrup, and local honey. While your here you can enjoy the company of our llamas, and other cute farm animals!

Here at Lakeside we produce many different varieties of fruits and vegetables and are so proud and energized or for this growing season. CSA is a way for us to connect with our local residents and we are excited to show off what we haven been working so hard to grown every year. Our newly renovated Farm Stand is open all Year!! Offering a wide variety of seasonal products including canned goods from our produce such as tomato sauce and strawberry jam, eggs, butter, maple syrup, and local honey, as well as herbs and of course our seasonal vegetables and fruits.

lakeside farm stand
© . Lakeside Farm Stand • 31 Lake Drive • Guilford, CT 06437 • (203) 457-0152.facebook